Expanding metabolite coverage of real-time breath analysis by coupling a universal secondary electrospray ionization source and high resolution mass spectrometry—a pilot study …

AUTHORS: MT Gaugg, DG Gomez, C Barrios-Collado, G Vidal-de-Miguel, M Kohler, …

JOURNAL INFO: Journal of breath research 10 (1), 016010

YEAR: 2016

LINK https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1752-7155/10/1/016010/pdf


Personalized Medicine, Curated Collections

Human Breath Analysis May Support the Existence of Individual Metabolic Phenotypes AUTHORS: Pablo Martinez-Lozano Sinues, Malcolm Kohler, Renato Zenobi JOURNAL INFO:  PLOS ONE, Curated Collections YEAR: 2022 (2013) LINK:...