Ambient prenatal air pollution exposure is associated with low cord blood IL-17a in infants

AUTHORS: Olga Gorlanova, Heide Oller, Andrea Marten, Loretta Müller, Jessica Laine-Carmelli, Fabienne Decrue, Yasmin Salem, Danielle Vienneau, Kees de Hoogh, Amanda Gisler, Jakob Usemann, Insa Korten, Sophie Yammine, Uri Nahum, Noemi Künstle, Pablo Sinues, Sven Schulzke, Philipp Latzin, Oliver Fuchs, Martin Röösli, Bianca Schaub, Urs Frey, the BILD study group

JOURNAL INFO: PAI Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, Volume34, Issue1, January 2023, e13902

YEAR: 2023



Molecular breath profile of acute COPD exacerbations

AUTHORS: Sarah Basler, Noriane A. Sievi, Felix Schmidt, Kai Fricke, Alexandra Arvaji, Jonas Herth, Diego Baur, Pablo Sinues, Silvia Ulrich and Malcolm Kohler JOURNAL INFO: Journal of Breath Research YEAR: 2024 LINK: 10.1088/1752-7163/ad9ac4